Thursday 9 April 2015

POETRY: Clueless Heroes

The elections have come and gone! All have played their part! All have been declared heroes, but who are the villains?


Publicly honoured heroes
Distinguished murderers
But heroes they are
They saw change with blazing drums
The vultures then left in a hurry
With incessant crying all the way:
We concede! We concede!
Hail Mary queen of grace
I present to you, heroes of our time
Hear: the Naira is sickly
The economy is on crutches
Foreign reserve has diabetes, 
The mellitus, decubitus ulcer of
dollar accounts, leaky holes
Plundering, squandering, raining dollars
But heroes surely they are
The Heroes then surrendered
Heroes of beers, of deaf protruding ears
To our bitter cries, to our aching appeals
Cult heroes indeed have reigned!
There, right at the edge of the valley
Heroes faint, heroes concede
We? Addicts of unending suffering
Not our job to yell, but to smell
Conferment of heroes by the experts
For we only grumble under the ashes
Buried at the buttocks of black stoves
Swimming in the torn mosquito net
Mr. Malaria our savior, our only Hero
But they, surely heroes they are

The Hero of the Bar, brewing his wish
And now he has covered our mouths
With stinking hands of slimy excreta
Even in darkness who are we to judge
The good, clueless, lucky Hero of our time
But heroes’ diaries do snap their deeds
Scene: Pound and plunder the national treasury
View: When they boasted and drank
On the fields of blood and sorrow
Our hopes split like lips of Harmattan
But alas heroes they are
Sculptors of anguish, heroes they are
Hear? Let’s drink beer at the hero’s funeral

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